I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. ?

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If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around [the banks] will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered. The...

Banks in Thomas, OK

Answer (5):


Ok um Dude you are completely retarded.

You can't pay for your home and wonder why you get booted out? Lets give that power to the people?! WTF are you talking about!? Do you even know!? Yeah give that power to the people then no one will make payments and everything will be free. We can live like the road warrior and kill people for what we need.

Let's start up banks run by all the people. It gets robbed. Your money isn't insured. Damn your broke.

You are a retard at best.


Yes, I do know the Federal Reserve is a private bank. The name is very misleading, purposely so.
I honestly think we have as much understanding of what is truly going on as a flea has of the breed of dog it rides on.

Robinson Cruz

Yeah, OK. Jefferson was talking about a national bank, which we have not had since the Jackson administration. So, yeah, Jefferson said it 220 years ago. So what? Give him a talk radio show.

The federal reserve is a private bank? OK. Who owns it? Private property in the U.S. has an owner. Who is it?


yes to all of your questions, u want to kow and interesting fact, Andrew Jackson fought against private banks and banks ins gnereal so the US Govt putting him on the 20 dollar bill is like tghe ultimate cock slap

John G

So what's the answer, regulation. Oh, but that would be socialism....so never mind. Republicans hate that word although......they don't have an answer.

Thank you in advance for the thumbsdown, it just confirms my beliefs in ijiots that reside in this country.