How do I sell mark. by Avon without giving my bank account to them?

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Hi! I just became a mark. by Avon rep, and I don't want to open up an eBoutique because it requires me to give my bank account number. I know you can sell without doing this, but there are no directions on how to do so. Is the order form for personal orders or to put orders from your customers? Thanks!

Banks in Avon, IN

Answer (2):

Just shopping

The order form is for yourself and for your customers. As an Avon rep, Avon put me as a customer in ALL CAPS (my name,) so when I place an order for sales aids like brochures, I use this customer (myself) to do so.

I would consult the person who signed you up for more detailed information. There is supposed to be a way that Avon can accept payments by mail, but all I've read is complaints about how long it takes them to process payments, and how it freezes up the representative's orders, so most end up going the bank account route.


i dont exactly know what you mean by giving them your bank account number, but i have some avon advice for you. i sell avon, so i know a little about it. i would suggest you sell avon and mark. you can sign up to be an avon rep and still sell mark. but you cannot be a mark. rep and still sell avon. might as well do both, but you can still focus on mark.

depending on where you live, you can go to and type in your zip and find a rep near you to sign you up and/or ask quesitons to.

good luck. remember: you only get what you give.... this is very true for avon reps