Banks in Haven, KS

Answer (8):

'Dr Greene'

Oh yes, they are one of the big four.

Natwest Bank Plc [National Westminster Bank Plc] have branches in most large towns.

Tell me you haven't received an email asking you to send money for a prize though. There's alot of scams out there.

Philip C

London England??

Is that to distinguish it from the Londons in Italy, Ecuadorial New Guinea, and Outer Mongolia, or should I assume that you are a citizen of them there United States of America and therefore have to add the country at the end to avoid confusing your compatriots?

Yes, there are a number of branches in Greater London (a city of over 7 million people if your geography teacher in Dungheap, Nebraska didn't cover it) and London even hosts the NatWest Tower, a tower block that houses guess what......
yup, NatWest.

NatWest is an abbreviation of National Westminster, and is now part of the RBS (Royal Bank of Scotland) Group; one of the largest banks in the UK.

Somehow, I'm guessing that you are not looking for an ATM, but instead have just received a scam email, which instead of deleting like any normal person, you have used to fill 5 minutes of your otherwise empty life.

I'm in an arsey mood. Can you tell?? ;-)


If you mean that you can't find one, it's a common problem, as not all banks are on all high streets (although you are guaranteed to find junk food sellers of all the main chains in the world). Your best bet is checking the phone book, or google search or for the local branch nearest to you.

MiZz RuBy

natwest bank is a popular bank in England!


Every city have Nat West bank in UK.
A big big bank.


Er, yeah. Just do google search, you'll see it's one of the main high street banks in the UK. Why so tense?


Yes, but why do you want to know?

Rachael D

Indeedy :)